
EMADDC update on COVID-19
European Meteorological Aircraft Derived Data Center update on COVID-19, April 30, 2020
Complete text (pdf)

Publications (presented in order of publication date)

S. de Haan, P. M. A. de Jong, and J. van der Meulen: Characterizing and correcting the warm bias observed in AMDAR temperature observations, Atmos. Meas. Tech.,, 2022.

Li. Z.: Impact of assimilating Mode-S EHS winds in the Met Office's high-resolution NWP model , Meteorol Appl. 2021; 28:e1989.


P.M.A. de Jong, S. de Haan, J. Sondij, M. Koutek. A. Hoekstra and J. Bokhorst, Operational Use of Aircraft Derived Data for Meteorological and Other Applications. CIMO-TECO 2018, Amsterdam. October 2018; Complete text (pdf)

EUMETNET E-ADD Feasibility Study Expert Team, chair J. Sondij, project lead S. de Haan (2017), Final report of the EUMETNET ADD FS ET on the feasibility to initiate a new EUMETNET activity for aircraft derived observations under the EUMETNET observation program. EUMETNET report, updated October, 2017, version 1.1; Complete text (pdf)

S. de Haan, (2016), Estimates of Mode-S EHS aircraft-derived wind observation errors using triple collocation. AMT Research article; Complete text (pdf)

Mirza, A. K., Ballard, S. P., Dance, S. L., Maisey, P., Rooney, G. G. and Stone, E. K. (2016), Comparison of aircraft-derived observations with in situ research aircraft measurementsQ.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 142: 2949-2967;

Stone, E.K. and G. Pearce (2016), A Network of Mode-S Receivers for Routine Acquisition of Aircraft-Derived Meteorological Data.  J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 33, 757-768;

J. M. Kopec, K. Kwiatkowski, S. de Haan, and S. P. Malinowski (2015), Retrieving clear-air turbulence information from regular commercial aircraft using Mode-S and ADS-B broadcast. AMT Discussion paper; Complete text (pdf)

Stone, E.K. and M. Kitchen (2015), Introducing an Approach for Extracting Temperature from Aircraft GNSS and Pressure Altitude Reports in ADS-B MessagesJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 32, 736-743.

S. de Haan, Availability and quality of Mode-S MRAR (BDS4.4) in the MUAC area : a first study
KNMI Internal Report: IR-1, 2014; Complete text (pdf)

Haan, S. de, and J. Sondij, Mode-S EHS Derived Wind and Temperature Observations,
WMO AMDAR Observing System Newsletter,Volume 6, October 2013; Complete text (html)

Sondij, J, and S. de Haan, Aircraft as a meteorological sensor, KNMI brochure September 2013 (updated) Complete text (pdf)

Sondij, J, and S. de Haan, Aircraft as a Sensor, Meteorological Technology International; Complete text (html)

Haan, S. de, Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance derived observations from multiple Air Traffic Control Radars and the impact in hourly HIRLAM, ALADIN - HIRLAM Newsleter: No. 1, September, 2013, p 4-8; (Complete text)

Haan, S. de, An improved correction method for high quality wind and temperature observations derived from Mode-S EHS, KNMI publication: TR-338, 2013; Complete text (pdf)

Haan, S. de, M. de Haij and J. Sondij, The use of a commercial ADS-B receiver to derive upper air wind and temperature observations from Mode-S EHS information in The Netherlands,
KNMI publication: TR-336, 2013; Complete text (pdf)

Haan, S. de, and L. J. Bailey, and J. E. Können, 2013: Quality assessment of Automatic Dependent Surveillance Contract (ADS-C) wind and temperature observa tion from commercial aircraft, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, 199 - 206,Complete text (html)

Haan, S de, L.J. Bailey (Boeing), and J. Können (KLM), Quality assessment of ADS-C wind and temperature observations, KDC/2011/0064, Version:1.0,Date:07/10/2011; Complete text (pdf)

Haan, S. de and A. Stoffelen, Assimilation of High-Resolution Mode-S Wind and Temperature Observations in a Regional NWP model Weather and Forecasting, 2012, 27, 918-937, doi:/10.1175/WAF-D-11-00088.1Abstract (html)

Haan, S. de, High-resolution wind and temperature observations from aircraft tracked by Mode-S air traffic control radar, J. Geophys. Res., 2011, 116, D10111, doi:10.1029/2010JD015264; Abstract (html)

Haan, S. de and A.C.M. Stoffelen, Assimilation of High Resolution Mode-S Wind and Temperature Observations in a Limited Area NWP-model, KNMI publication: WR-2010-03, 2010; Complete text (pdf)

Haan, S. de, Quality assessment of high resolution wind and temperature observations from ModeS
KNMI publication: WR-09-07, 2010; Complete text (pdf)
