An important step of the development of EMADDC will take place with the termination of EMADDC release 1.6 (R1.6) on April 13th 2022. R1.6 was the first operational version of EMADDC used to process and distribute the EUROCONTROL MUAC data. Operational users have been informed of this change in 2021.
EMADDC R2.1 that was made operational at the start of the COVID-19 situation will be terminated at the end of April 2022.
The operational version of EMADDC is R2.2 that uses improved algorithms for quality control and has a gradually expanding geographical coverage. For the actual coverage see Data QC.
The EMADDC team is currently working on the next release which will be R3.0 and will run in the cloud.
With much appreciation for all data suppliers, including EUROCONTROL MUAC, that make EMADDC possible!